Ally Blake Romance Author - Blog

Latest news from Australian romance author Ally Blake, writer of fun, fresh flirty romance novels.

Saturday 31 March 2012

my favourite...quotes about writing :: some cheeky ones

'I get a lot of letters from people.  They say "I want to be a writer.  What should I do?"  I tell them to stop writing to me and to get on with it.' 
Ruth Rendell

I like to write when I feel spiteful: it's like having a good sneeze.

Many (modern novels) have a beginning, a muddle and an end.'
Philip Larkin

‘There are three rules for writing a novel.  Unfortunately no-one knows what they are.’
Somerset Maugham

'A good many young writers make the mistake of enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope, big enough to send the manuscript back in.  This is too much of a temptation for the editor.'
Ring Lardner
'Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.'
Groucho Marx

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