Ally Blake Romance Author - Blog

Latest news from Australian romance author Ally Blake, writer of fun, fresh flirty romance novels.

Monday 4 June 2012

pillow talk :: revisions :: it's all about character


So romance writing is all about character, so if you're going to get revision suggestions there's a high likelihood it will be about character.

My heroine Paige feels set.  I understood her from early on the process.  The hero took longer for me to pin down, as he's a true strong silent type.  And it showed, hence the majority of the changes I need to make to strengthen the story revolving around the hero.

Things most often needing strengthening in revisions are:  conflict  - what's keeping your hero and heroine apart.  Motivation - what do they want most, what would they have to give up in order to love be with one anotherBelievability of action and reaction.  LikeabilityDo you care enough about her to want her to get her man?  Is he strong enough, gorgeous enough, sexy enough etc etc etc.?

Secondary characters - these guys a big deal for me.  Something I do, and I hope, do well.  But they can't overshadow the main story.

So expect your character to be a big part of any revision suggestions you might have.

And okay, this subject is an excuse for you to meet the hero of my current WIP.  Meet Gabe Hamilton.  Strong enough?  Gorgeous enough?  Sexy enough?  Oooohhh yeeeeah...

For a more in depth analysis of the manuscript revising process, I'm heading up a workshop at the Romance Writers of Australia conference on the Gold Coast this August entitled REVISIONS: REWRITING, EDITING, PROOF-READING...OH MY!  Conference details at the RWA website

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