Ally Blake Romance Author - Blog

Latest news from Australian romance author Ally Blake, writer of fun, fresh flirty romance novels.

Friday, 6 July 2007

back in the saddle

I'm home from my lovely holidays. And its taking days to recuperate. Isn't that always the way??? But especially this time, traveling with a big belly in front is logistically more difficult. Who knew?

But I did get the chance to shop up a storm with my beautifully pregnant sister Suze, to eat decadent biccies while looking over a lovely view with the fabulous Barbara Hannay and her equally fabulous husband, to catch up with my godmothers and my family and hubby's family lots and lots and to bring back a collection of teddy bears I've had since I was in my teens - they'll look so spiffy in bub's room!

I am deep into edit mode today, cutting a few thousand words from my - always - too long current work in progress. I love this part of the job, getting out my red pen and slashing whole paragraphs at a time, watching the word count slip away. And after all the hard work it took to put those words there you'd think It would be more painful. But no. Slash! Burn! Cull!

And after weeks of having no interest in M&Ms, I am back in the saddle again. Bub has a taste for them now. Woohoo! M&Ms and steak, and cheese and bacon flavoured Cheetos, and mandarins. Nice combo hey?

And have you all heard they're making a Sex and the City movie. Excited moi? I reckon they must have finally come together and agreed to do so because it's my birthday today. Happy Birthday me!

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