Ally Blake Romance Author - Blog

Latest news from Australian romance author Ally Blake, writer of fun, fresh flirty romance novels.

Thursday, 20 December 2007

from page 3 girl to telly star

Okay, so there I was thinking that what with the Victorian Writers Centre asking me to take a day long course next October, that I would have a year to get back into the swing of being "social work Ally".

But nooooo... First there was a glamorous lunch at the casino with my Melbourne based romance author friends. Then there was an interview and photo shoot that led to a full page three spread in the Sunday Mail. Then yesterday I was interviewed by A Current Affair!!!

For those of you not in Aussieland, A Current Affair is a half hour TV show with a mix of serious investigations and fun special interest stuff. Items appearing this week include petrol price fixing, and "a new Australian invention may eventually put an end to bouncing breasts" which should give you some idea of the scope of the show. Well, sometime next week the fun special interest piece will be all about me. Well, I hope I wasn't secretly the subject of a serious investigation!!! I never once held my hand over the lens of the camera, so I should be okay.

Senior reporter and closet book writer Martin King and his trusty crew came around to my place yesterday for a three hour interview about my writing and my family life. Bridget woke up and made her usual cooing and gahing noises so in order to keep her quiet while my hubby and I were being interviewed, the sound guy had to hold her in one arm with his boom mic in the other! When that began to tire we popped her onto her play mat and the camera guy was in charge of dummy patrol. 'Twas hilarious.

Anyhoo, Aussies out there watch out for a story some time next week. And here's hoping the clever lighting hid the train wreck of a new mum "look" I currently have down pat ;).

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