Ally Blake Romance Author - Blog

Latest news from Australian romance author Ally Blake, writer of fun, fresh flirty romance novels.

Wednesday 26 July 2006

a must read!

While sooking and spluttering all all things horrid the last few days as I have suffered in elegant silence through a rotten flu virus, I at least was able to experience one ray of light.

I was spoilt rotten to be one of the first to read a fabulous new book by one of the new Modex authors. WHITE HOT by Harlequin Romance's own Trish Wylie!

Trish kindly sent me the book - rather than waiting for me to buy it like I normally would insist upon! - because I am giving a tutorial at next month's Romance Writers of Australia conference, entitled "Sexy vs Sweet - The Ultimate Showdown" in which I will be highlighting the main differences between the Modern/Presents line, the Tender Romance line, and the new Modex line. And I now have a fabulous Modex which beautifully showcases these very differenecs.

For readers, WHITE HOT is a sweet, sexy, sassy romp that will have you laughing and clutching at your heart by measures. Finn and Shane are funny, damaged, and thoroughly contemporary and their romance is soooo believable, and so one you can imagine happening between your best friends.

And for hopeful writers, it is a brilliant example of writing from the male and female viewpoint while in deep third person POV. Being in Finn's head is such a different place from being in Shane's which is fantastic.

And I mean, just look at that cover. But be careful, the more you look, the more you can't stop looking...