Ally Blake Romance Author - Blog

Latest news from Australian romance author Ally Blake, writer of fun, fresh flirty romance novels.

Friday 19 November 2010

the race is on!

Three weeks til baby #3 is due!

Hospital bag's packed - kind of.  Bub's clothes and bedding are washed and ready to go - waaaay too many!  Nappy station all set up - they don't really go through, like, 12 nappies a day, right?  Name's all picked out - and the fact that we have no back-up won't possibly be a problem, will it?

A tad less than three weeks til book 22 is due. 

Hero Will is proving mighty inspiring as this picture can attest.  As is the rugged coastline of southern Victoria where much of the book is set.  And I'm loving my heroine Mia - on the oustside she seems like she has it all.  But on the inside Will and I are discovering she is pure mush. 

Hmmm, which will be ready first?  Baby or book?

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