Ally Blake Romance Author - Blog

Latest news from Australian romance author Ally Blake, writer of fun, fresh flirty romance novels.

Friday 3 December 2010

december? it can't be!

Is it really December already? No!!!!!!! How fast has this year gone???????????

Don't you know I have a book due? And the Christmas tree's not up. And summer's yet to hit sunny Brisbane. And I've yet to even contemplate what needs to be done to update my website. Oh, yeah, and I'm due to have a baby any day. Eek!

At least I've been nesting so rabidly the Xmas shoping is DONE! (Okay, all bar the things I want to get for hubby - poor love.) The new couches have just arrived, and they look goooorgeous! And the air-conditioning is going in on Monday. And my boxes and boxes of author copies of my books have found a home in the magnificently lucky space we discovered in our ceiling above the garage.

Right, so now that I'm over the worst of the shock, I'm actually kind of excited. The kids' presents this year are, to my mind, pure genius. Our new house feels so much like home I can't believe we haven't lived here forever. I'm enjoying my current book. Christmas is coming! And, best of all, I HAVE A NEW BABY DUE ANY DAY!

Yep, that tingle in the tummy is happiness. Not labour pains. Promise!
