Latest news from Australian romance author Ally Blake, writer of fun, fresh flirty romance novels.
Friday, 24 November 2006
if only I was in charge of a TV station
In the end we watched 15 episodes of West Wing over ~ 2 days. Fifteen beautiful, moving, hilarious, romantic, fabulous episodes. So now we are up to date with Aus television which is about two years behind US television with this series which is quite simply ridiculous. Stupid television programmers would rather play late night quiz shows which are no more than a grab for cash for the station than to play the likes of the Sopranos or, Arrested Development, or the West wing at any decent hour. Okay * puff puff puff * rant over.
Anyhoo, to finish off my Mum's lovely trip to town we shopped with crazy crowds at a centre wide VIP night in our local shops where it was as busy as Christmas, but we finished off the night introducing my Mum to Kripsy Kremes so all was not lost ;).
Laverne update: She's clucky. We're sure of it. She's stopped laying and is sitting in her hutch for hours at a time rather than parading about the backyard fluffing her feathers and eating stuff in the grass. If this continues, we might just buy some fertilised eggs for her to sit on. And all this for a chook who in the first place was meant to give us eggs!
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