red letter day

Our fluffy white silky chooks, Laverne and Shirley, are a little over six months old, and yet to lay an egg between them. The fact that Shirley is looking more and more like a boy every day is beside the point.
And then this morning my hubby opened up their nighttime hutch and the pair didn't come out. they always come out. Burst out ready to peck and scratch for hours. But this morning Laverne sat in a warm, snug, hay filled corner and Shirley clucked at her like she/he had no idea what was going on. Could it be...?

We've decided to call it Mork. Not sure what to do with it next. Eat it, I guess, which actually after all the waiting and fanfare just seems kind of mean. Hubby has ideas of keeping it. Hmmm... Watch this space ;).

Laverne went back inside the hutch for about 40 minutes this morning. when she headed back outside we snuck out and found a friend for Mork!!! So now Mork has his very own Mindy!
So exciting!!!
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