lucky clucky laverne

She has stopped laying eggs and has taken to sitting in the small, warm, dark straw covered area in which she usually sleeps, only coming out for five minutes at a time to eat and drink. And for a girl who is used to spending ALL day clucking, and scratching and eating stuff from within the grass of our backyard that is some change.
Since we are suckers of the highest magnitude, and since she no longer has a Shirley to fertilise her eggs for her, we have now bought Laverne 6 fertililsed eggs from a chook breeder. Some are white silkes, others are fat fluffy bantams. Or we hope they will be when they hatch in ~ 21 days. (Right in the middle of this photo you can see a small cream mound poking out from beneath her feathers). So watch this space for news of the offspring to come.
How did I ever get roped into any of this???!!! I'm a city girl for goodness sake!
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