Ally Blake Romance Author - Blog

Latest news from Australian romance author Ally Blake, writer of fun, fresh flirty romance novels.

Monday 16 February 2009

"TWILIGHT" by Stephenie Meyer

So have we all been reading the TWILIGHT books by Stephenie Meyer? Teenage vampire love with a bit of werewolf action thrown in to keep it interesting... how can you not?

I'm now about half way through BREAKING DAWN and can't put it down. Which is odd because even though I'm tearing through them, I can't actually say that I'm enjoying them all that much. Is that odd??? Perhaps not. I felt the same way with the Da Vinci Code. The story kept me riveted but I couldn't have cared if the two leads were killed off at any point in the book. Ditto here. And for someone who writes character based stories that amazes me.

But I think I've figured it out. Even though Bella and Edward frustrate the heck out of me most of the time - he's such a drama queen and a martyr to her every whim, while she started out so cool, so average, and goofy, and plucky and unsual and has become a blur - I adoooore Jacob Black. The other man. The one I think whose love feels so much more true. He's richly drawn, he's tragic, he's gorgeous. I am soooo happy Breaking Dawn is now is his POV. Please can he have his own happy ending!!!

Am I alone in this?

I have yet to see the first movie and am itching for it to come out on DVD, though I have the feeling with the characters so firmly imbedded in my head some of the casting will feel odd. not their fault at all! IT has to be the hardest thing, taking such a popular series adn casting it so that most readers will be happy.

I've always imagined that's why the Stephanie Plum books have yet to make it to the screen. Who could be as messed up and cool as Steph? Who could be as dark and sleek as Ranger? Who could be as supremely masculine as Joe? And don't even get me started on Grandma Mazur.

But that's a whole other story!
