Ally Blake Romance Author - Blog

Latest news from Australian romance author Ally Blake, writer of fun, fresh flirty romance novels.

Friday 9 December 2011

And the winner is...

eBooks!  No, paperbacks.  Well, from all your gorgeous comments, emails, and tweets  over the past week I see that so many of you are just like me, happy bridging the gap between both reading mediums.

And how much of the pleasure of reading is in the experience as well as the story -  the ability to do it in the bath, to hide inside your head on a long train trip, to take a number of stories in one light package on holiday, to feel the soft flick of a page turning against your finger.  Reading isn't just an escape, it's a sensory gift.

As for the winner of three of my books, autographed an all, after using the tried and true close your eyes, spin around three times and point method, the winner is...
Melissa Wright!
Melissa, email me on and let me know which of my books you'd like and I'll send them your way ASAP!  Check out my booklist here.
