Ally Blake Romance Author - Blog

Latest news from Australian romance author Ally Blake, writer of fun, fresh flirty romance novels.

Friday, 30 October 2009

go yankees!

I looove the Yankees.

Have done since I was a kid and all I ever wanted to do was one day see New York. My nickname in high school was, you guessed it, Yankee. It is a deep and abiding, blood-tingly, butterflies in the tummy kind of lurve.

Jeter. Rivera. Pettitte. Mmm, mm, mmm.

My Yankees jersey has come out of the cupboard. My Yankees cap - bought in New York - is on my head as we speak. The NY gold charm my hubby bought me for Christmas one year is on my bedside table (not around my neck as Itty Bitty Girl would have that thing snapped off in a heartbeat!)

My blood's a tingling. The Yankees webpage is open on my computer as much as my own. And oh the pain of not having access to watch a game! I've heard rumours one of the new digital channels on Aussie TV plays the games in the morning, but you try telling Toddler Girl she can't watch Sesame Street. Truly. If you can convince her, I'll pay your ticket over here ;)!

I've been to New York twice, once during a post-season and at the end of our holiday when we were completely broke and coudln't afford the bazillion dollars for a ticket, and once outside of the season proper.

But my time will come. Oh yes, my Yankees and I will be together one day. Okay, that made me sound like a stalker. Strike that, and let's just go with GOOOOO YANKEES!!!!!!
